Thanking An Exceptional Teacher and Mentor
Posted on 06/03/2024
A photo of Joanne Derksen

Joanne remembers coming home from school as a 7-year-old and assuming the role of teacher when she played at home; her younger siblings, dolls, and stuffed animals were her students.  Already as a young child, she was passionate about teaching and confident this would be her life path.  She fast tracked her Education degree and in 1990 was hired as a teacher by GVSD.  Now, 34 years later, Joanne Derksen has announced she will be completing her full-time career within GVSD at the end of June. 

Joanne’s first teaching assignment was in the Birkenhead School in Neuenberg, during the final two years of the school’s existence.  In her second year there she taught a grade 1-7 class.   This was followed by short stays in Border Valley (grade 7 teacher and some guidance) and at J. R. Walkof (grade 4 teacher).  Her longest tenure was 10 years at Southwood; there she taught in early years, Reading Recovery, EAL and Resource.  Following this she spent 7 years at Parkland where she led the Resource department and served as Vice-Principal.  For the last 6 years, Joanne has served as the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services.  In this role she supervises the GVSD clinicians, and coaches/mentors resource, guidance, and school liaison staff.  She has also provided wonderful support to principals and vice principals and is a valued member of the Senior Administration team.

When I asked Joanne what she loved most about her work, her face lit up and words flowed freely.  “I love collaborating with and empowering others; how can I help you be the best student or teacher or resource person, etc.   I love encouraging people and helping them discern their gifts and ways to succeed.  I love to strategize - helping students, families and staff to problem solve, to find solutions to the challenges they face.”   Both as a professional and a person, Joanne Derksen has impacted and blessed many lives; she has been and is a special gift within GVSD.

“What words or phrases come to your mind if I ask you to describe Joanne?”  I posed this question to some of her colleagues and those she mentors.  This article is too short to include all the responses but here’s a portion of what I gathered and what I would place on her reference form.  Joanne is a consummate professional who leads by example and serves in a humble, unassuming way.  Joanne has firm convictions but shares them in a gracious and collaborative manner.  She was a master teacher in the classroom and now is a master coach and mentor to many.  Joanne is poised, honest, genuine, and measured in her responses.  She cares for all students but has a special place in her heart for those with exceptionalities.  Joanne goes above and beyond in her care for students and her support of fellow professionals.  She is nurturing, compassionate, and supportive.

I concluded my visit with Joanne with this question: “What are you looking forward to in the future?”  I sensed a moment or two of grieving as Joanne imagined herself letting go of something she treasured so much.  She acknowledged how hard it will be to leave something she loves but brightened again as she pictured the future.  “I’m looking forward to traveling, spending more time with my grandchildren, and finding other ways to use my skills and passions in our community.”  

I trust that longer and more eloquent tributes will be shared and that Joanne’s work will be celebrated before she retires at the end of June, but as a board member who has known Joanne all of her life and has watched her incredible contribution to GVSD for many years, I want to say a huge THANK YOU!  You were and are an exceptional person, teacher, and mentor who blessed and continues to bless many lives!

- John P. Klassen, GVSD Trustee