Garden Valley Connects

Garden Valley Connects is your go-to destination for informative articles and updates brought to you by our Trustees. It's more than just a website—it's a vibrant platform designed to connect with the entire community. From parents and students to educators and local stakeholders, Garden Valley Connects is your window into the exciting world of public education in GVSD. Join us as we work together to support and strengthen our schools for everyone.

A photo of GVSD trustee Philipp Unruh
Trustee Bio Focus - Philipp Unruh
Hello, I’m Philipp Unruh. I am in my first term serving as a GVSD trustee. My family immigrated from Germany to Winkler in 1999. I have been a proud Winklerite ever since. I graduated from GVC in 2008 and studied 7 years at the University of Manitoba where I graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry in 2015.
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A group photo of the GVSD Board meeting with Minister Nello Altomare.
Minister Nello Altomare Visits GVSD
The GVSD Board of Trustees would like to thank Minister Nello Altomare (Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning) for visiting Winkler Elementary School and meeting with the board on June 18.
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A photo of the 2023 grad parade
What is the Value of a High School Diploma?
I recall fairly vividly a faculty of education university lecture I attended many years ago. In that particular class on a warm spring day in 1996, my professor suggested that the profession of high school teacher would be obsolete in the next 10 to 15 years due to technology and the rapidly changing world of education and work.
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An image of GVSD Trustee Deana Wilson
Trustee Bio Focus - Deana Wilson
Hi there, I’m Deana Wilson. The past 5 ½ years on the GVSD board have been an incredible journey, and it’s been a true privilege to be a part of it. My husband and I made the move to Winkler from Brandon in 2003, creating a home and raising our two sons here.
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A photo of Joanne Derksen
Thanking An Exceptional Teacher and Mentor
Joanne remembers coming home from school as a 7-year-old and assuming the role of teacher when she played at home; her younger siblings, dolls, and stuffed animals were her students. Already as a young child, she was passionate about teaching and confident this would be her life path.
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An image of GVSD Trustee Tena Lane
Trustee Bio Focus - Tena Lane
Hello! My name is Tena Lane. Like many newcomers, it was an employment opportunity that brought my family to Winkler.
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An image of GVSD Trustee John Klassen
Trustee Bio Focus - John Klassen
Ten years ago, I accepted an invitation to consider serving as a Trustee on the GVSD board; while it requires a high level of commitment, it’s a decision I have never regretted.
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A photo of Board Chair Leah Klassen speaking to a grade 2 class at Plum Coulee School
Board Chair Speaks to Grade 2 Class
Board Chair Leah Klassen spoke to the Grade 2 class at Plum Coulee School on leadership.
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An image of board member Pamela Hiebert
Trustee Bio Focus - Pamela Hiebert
This week's trustee bio spotlight: Meet Pamela Hiebert. In the summer of 2022, I allowed my name to stand for Trustee after serving on the NPC PAC for 3 years.
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An image of a secretary working on a computer
SAA's: The Superheroes of GVSD
The last week of April is a time when our School Administrative Assistants will be celebrated. On behalf of the GVSD board I wish to add thoughts of appreciation for these most deserving persons who are so vital within our schools. Let me set the scene for you.
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Heather DiFrancesco
Trustee Bio Focus - Heather DiFrancesco
We invite you to get to know our board members better as we spotlight their bios on our website each month. Hello! I’m Heather DiFrancesco.
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An image of the J.R. Walkof choir singing at the MSBA AGM
J.R. Walkof Students Open MSBA AGM
Students from J.R. Walkof School opened the 60th annual Manitoba School Boards Association Convention and AGM with the singing of our national anthem.
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A photo of the gifts that GVSD will be donating to the NEEDS fundraiser
GVSD Supports NEEDS Fundraiser
GVSD will once again support the Newcomers Employment and Education Development Services (NEEDS) program by providing raffle gifts for the NEEDS fundraiser at the annual MSBA Convention and AGM on March 21 and 22.
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An image of two people shaking hands in an office
Hiring Great Teachers is Vital
With about 350 teachers in GVSD, it’s normal that some retire, some move to other positions within our schools or move to other communities, and some new positions emerge as our community and schools grow. This means that annually, our principals and senior administration need to work diligently and wisely to fill all the teaching positions within GVSD.
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Trustees toured our schools on February 15
Trustees Tour Our Schools on February 15
Trustees had the opportunity to tour schools on February 15 to learn more about programming, facilities and student needs.
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An image of a calculator and some budget documents
How A School Division Budget is Set
When most people hear about school board budgeting, they yawn and think, “Isn’t there something else to discuss?” But budgeting for the GVSD Board of Trustees is one of the important things that we do as trustees, and we want the public’s input.
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An image of the participants involved in the strategic planning session
Strategic Planning Session held on Jan. 29
GVSD trustees, school leaders, divisional admin and curriculum coordinators got together in Hochfeld on January 29 to review the Division’s strategic plan and review recent academic and student wellness data.
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Municipal officials meeting with GVSD Trustees and Sr. Admin.
GVSD Meets With Municipal Officials on Jan. 10
Thanks to our elected municipal officials and staff for meeting with GVSD Trustees and Senior Admin to discuss the GVSD budget process on January 10! Working with our municipal partners is critical to our success.
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An image of the GVSD board meeting with MLA Josh Guenter and MLA Carrie Hiebert.
MLAs Meet with the GVSD Board
Thanks to MLA Josh Guenter (Borderland) and MLA Carrie Hiebert (Morden-Winkler) for meeting with the Board on December 12, 2023 to discuss opportunities and challenges in GVSD!
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GVSD School Board 2023-24
GVSD Board Reorganizes for 2023-24
At the September 12, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees re-elected, by acclamation...
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